ArticleForge vs Creaite – Which software is better? Are articles created by these applications readable? Automatic article creation software – comparison.
The last months are really interesting in Artificial Intelligence article writing. How good are these programs? I tested ArticleForge before but wasn’t happy with the results.
ArticleForge vs Creaite – autogenerated text comparison
I decided to have fun and create article about ArticleForge and then the same about Creaite.
Creaite auto-generated articles

With the setup above I created the following article about Creaite.
Unfortunately the first time I run into the following error. This is the first version of the software so let’s give them benefit of the doubt.:

The second time it was much better. The article was created.
1. First article about Article Forge so basically Creaite created an article about its main competitor:-) ~347 words:
Please note: The first 2-3 sentences are written by me (required prompt). I changed these sentences to italic.
Article Forge Pros and Cons
Article Forge has many advantages and pros. It helps to create a unique article fast. The text is readable. There are not many disadvantages and cons.
You can use all the features of article creation. Article Forge has many advantages and advantages.
The main advantage of Article Forge is that it is a simple yet effective tool to create articles. It provides several advantages that are listed later. There are some disadvantages that are listed later.
- Article Forge is a good and a unique article. You can use it to get more backlinks that will be sure to help to increase the traffic.
- You can get a good page rank on the search engines, Google and Yahoo. When you submit them, you will get a good page rank that will be sure to help to increase the traffic. It is a good SEO trick.
- It is a good SEO trick to get many shares on different social networking sites, and also on the different article submission service web sites.
- It is a good and unique article. It provides the readers with a variety of information and you will be sure to attract a large number of people to it.
- It provides a unique way of promoting products, services, and information. You will be sure to attract a very wide number of people to your page. You will get the backlinks that they will send to your site.
- It provides a good and a unique way of getting backlinks on the various other sites. If you choose the right site, you will be able to get a large number of visitors. You will get the backlinks that they will send to your site.
There are some disadvantages that are listed later. You can use the article submission service to save time and efforts. However, you have to pay a price or a service to get a good position on the search engines, on Yahoo and other search engines.
In conclusion, we can say that Article Forge is one of the effective and unique ways of promoting your products, services, and information.
2. This is an article that Creaite created about its own software. It automatically created an article with 480 words:
Please note: The first 2-3 sentences are written by me (required prompt). I changed sentences to italic.
How SEO Can Help
Creaite is software that helps you create unique content. There are some advantages and disadvantages. There are many pros to have unique and readable content on your website. There are not many cons.
However, there are a few cons to Creaite. These cons are mainly the same as Creaite users.
Creaite is a great tool. Creaite enables you to write unique content. The content can have keywords and have them in small or big. The keyword density can be 4 % or 10 %. Creaite also allows you to include alt tags that are free for the spiders to index. Creaite also provides you with keywords and other meta tags. But, the search engines like to see the text that has keywords. Creaite provides the keywords in the title tag also.
The Creaite can be used to create pages for the visitors to read. For a better result in the Creaite, the title tag should not have more than 10 keywords. There may be pages that have more than 10 keywords. This is because the search engine look at this pages differently. And pages which have keywords do count higher.
It is a disadvantage to have Creaite when it comes to your website’s search engine rankings. The search engines are not the best place to have Creaite. But, a disadvantage to have Creaite is because of the keywords. Because the search engine sees the keywords. The search engine will see the keywords as the page’s keyword. So, when you have Creaite on your page, you can’t have Creaite in the meta tags. This can be an unfair advantage for other pages.
There are a few free alternatives to Creaite.
There are the CMS that is similar to creaite. But, the Creaite is a little more advanced. For such CMS, the Creaite is a free alternative to allow you to add meta tags. The Creaite has some great features with Google sitemap with all the pages. But, the webmasters shouldn’t use Creaite for a better result. But, the advantage of the creaite is that there are other ways to increase the number of pages in the search engine. You can use the Creaite to give you keywords. And if you have keywords on the Creaite, you can add them in your web page content, which will give you a good chance.
The best option to create the page is to use the free article directories. These article directories have more space which is why it is the best. There are also some sites that accept article submissions for free. You can get the links and the links are great for the SEO. But, you can use the article directories in order to submit articles. The articles are the best way to promote the website.
You can use the creaite in order to create web page. This can be very helpful, you will have a nice site.
Article Forge auto-generated articles

With the setup above I created the following article about Article Forge:
1. The topic of the first article is about Article Forge so basically Article Forge created an article about its own software:-) Setup ~750 words:
Advantages of Article Marketing and Article Spinning
Article Forge has been created to make article writing easy. All you have to do is follow the instructions, enter the required data, and your article is done. Article forge is actually an artificial intelligence software, which generates different kinds of articles in your desired format – How unique is an article created by Article Forge.
The main features of Article Forge are very simple and easy to understand. You just need to select a template, add relevant keyword in it, add the related keyword to the title, subheadings and paragraphs. Article is generated by deep neural network, so that it can be unique and informative. This is one major advantage over the other software like Word Press and Blogs because it doesn’t use the duplicate content trick. Article forge also allows you to add more keywords to the title and make your article highly rankable.
Article forge is a software, which helps you to create unique, original and informative content for your website. If you use this software, then you will definitely benefit from its artificial intelligence feature. With the help of this artificial intelligence feature, it will spruce up your content and can create new, different kind of articles and unique niche topic for you. Article created this way has good quality, so, you need not worry about the originality of the content.
Article created with the help of this artificial intelligence feature and is unique. It can easily stand out from the rest of the content. It also helps you to get more hits on search engines. So, if you are looking to hire a content creator, then this is the right choice for you.
Article forge also provides you keyword suggestion tool. This is a very useful tool for newbies as well as experienced writers in this field. With the help of this tool, you can easily find good and unique keywords to write articles. You can even avoid using keywords that have been already used by thousands of other sites. By using the keyword suggestion tool, you can avoid such a situation and can write unique articles for your site.
Spinning is another important aspect of content creation for websites. In case of a spinning process, you have to use a unique spin on the article that will make you different from other sites. In spinal process, you use the best content from different sites and create a spinner that makes you distinct from others. There is no other easier method than syntax. Even if you hire a professional copywriting service for spinning the articles, you still need to do it by yourself or you could never achieve the desired success.
Spinning can be easily done with the help of Article Forge as well as other alternatives. You can find numerous alternatives and you can select the best one according to your requirement. While most of these tools are easy to use, they are not capable of generating unique and readable contents. You can always achieve success by using the best content creation tool that can spin content in a unique manner.
All these benefits and advantages can only be achieved when you choose the best content creation software from a reputed online content writing company. You can also consider other features such as user-friendly interface, professional spinning and many more when you are going through the different alternatives available. Once you have selected the appropriate software, you can start writing articles. Make sure that the text is all readable and all the information placed is correct. By using an article spinner, you can achieve all such things without any problem.
2. Article about Creaite – so about new competitor. Setup ~750 words:
How To Get Creative And Start Making Money With Creaite
Creaite has been creating great articles for quite a long time. The one thing that sets them apart from most other companies is that they take the time to understand their clients. Creaite does this by understanding that each person wants to get better at writing articles. This means that they understand that you need to be able to write different types of articles.
The way that they accomplish this is by making sure that each article that they create is unique. This is done through different strategies. For instance, at some point in the process, they will ask you about your background. From this point on the entire article is custom-tailored to meet the needs of the individual client. Some of the strategies that they use include:
- Custom Tailor Your Article. Each article is created uniquely. No two articles will ever be the same. This will help you in standing out from your competition.
- Choose Your Own Authors. Creaite works with some of the best authors in the industry. In fact, if you don’t like the style that they are using you can change it very easily. They will take your ideas and make them as unique as possible.
- Use the Latest Inbound Links. Creaite articles are not submitted to generic directories. Everything is submitted to the authors own niche directories. The articles are not only ranked higher, but they are much more visible to the right set of people. This helps increase traffic to the author’s website, which leads to revenue.
- Originality. Creaite prides itself on having original content. This is one of the major reasons that the company is so successful. Because of the uniqueness of the articles they create, you will never be bored with the content that they give you.
- Focus on your Market. Another one of the big pros to this article submission site is that you can target a specific audience. You will have different keywords for each group of people that you are trying to attract. This ensures that your articles will be seen by the audience that you are trying to reach. This makes it easy to convert visitors into customers because everyone is already interested in what you are offering.
The pros that I am going to list above all mean that you will be getting the most out of your article writing. Creaite will make sure that you enjoy what you do and the results will speak for themselves. If you want to build a successful business on the internet, then make sure that you do everything that you can to promote your articles. This includes producing unique content that will allow you to stand out among your competitors.
- You will be publishing the articles on your own website. That’s right; you will be the one making the decision as to what, when and how you want to distribute the content. This means that you can control every aspect of the article distribution process. If you have a unique article that will do well online then you should have no problem making that article available to others. Just make sure that you publish it on your own website so that others can find it.
- You can use these articles as online content. If you publish articles on your website you can make money from them by requiring visitors to register for more information. They will often give up their information for free because they know that you have unique content and that they will enjoy reading it.
- You can sell your articles if you so choose. This is often how many people make money with Creaite. Once you have published an article on your website and are making sales you can offer this same article for sale on an affiliate network like ClickBank. You can choose to charge per article or to make a commission off of each sale.
- If you own a website that already generates a steady stream of traffic then you can sell the articles for profit. You will want to make sure that you publish unique content. The more unique the article is the better. There are other ways that you can use Creaite but these four are the most popular. Give them a try today and see how much fun they can be!
What is the quality of auto-generated article using ArticleForge?
The quality of the autogenerated content by Article Forge is surprisingly good. The software can create highly readable articles with minimum setup. The bonus is that you can also add pictures and videos.
What is the quality of auto-generated text using Creaite?
I was not happy what I saw so far. Again the software is pretty new. As a new software trying to beat competition should be better from existing ones.
Conclusion: Creaite vs Article Forge. Who the winner is?
The articeles on Creaite were shorter that the max. 750 words on Article Forge. I am not sure what’s the reason on the different article length. First article I created on Creaite about “investing” was 1300 words.
Creaite requires you to write a prompt to tell them what the article is about. In the case of Article Forge the requirement is to write the main keyword and sub-keywords. Are the articles are readable? Are the sentences make sense. I leave it to you as you have output above. Article Forge can add pictures and videos but it may be worth checking it before you publish it. That is a picture related to Creaite according to Article Forge:-)

Creaite and ArticleForge price comparison (2021)
Even price-wise the Creaite is worse. Initially, it seems like a good deal bere they drug you into their selling funnel. And the most important. Article Forge advertises itself as unlimited content creation for their straightforward subscriptions. For me, Article Forge is on another level than Creaite. At this moment. Maybe new competition catch up after some time and it will be a closer comparison.