RankMath SEO plugin review, pricing, comparison to Yoast. Does RankMath have Affiliate Program? Is it worth paying for Rank Math paid software version? Affiliates and SEO experts must read it as it may be an ideal SEO plugin for affiliate marketers and SEO professional.
Does RankMath have Affiliate Program?
At this moment RankMath does not offer an affiliate program. Once RankMath programmers make it, they will make an announcement.
Thank you for contacting Rank Math. Sorry to disappoint but still do not have an affiliate program available to the public. Once we make it live, we will make an announcement. … We do plan on releasing a paid version but that will have additional features. The free version will always remain free with all the features you see in the plugin right now. When that happens, we might introduce an affiliate program too.
RankMath vs Yoast – plugins compared (price)
The differences and similarities list is long. Here is just the price comparison between Yoast and RankMath. The biggest difference so far. Especially for affiliate marketer who maintain a lot of websites:

Watch Video review of RankMath SEO plugin compared to Yoast plugin:
Now it’s an interesting experiment:
I am proud (or rather not) to present the RankMath review below. When the proper review article is being written I used software to create review automatically for me. In the meantime, I created some pictures for the real review. I used ArticleForge as an article placement. It’s pretty good. Check the AF offer below:
What are differences between Yoast and RankMath plugins?
Yoast is a free WordPress plugin that has been around for some time now, but is it any good? There are several things you should look for when trying to make a decision like this. First of all, there are many people that use these plugins both for good and bad purposes so it’s hard to say one is better than the other. However, I will give some Yoast vs Rank Math free plugin comparison so I can help you make the best possible decision.
Yoast vs Rank Math
First of all both of these plugins offer you to do pretty much the same thing. They both basically redirect a series of XML sitemaps to your main theme. These maps will include navigation bars, menus, buttons, and other such elements. In the past, both of these plugins worked quite well, however, there have been recent changes that have made them less effective. For example, a few months ago Google started allowing “Do not track” options to be turned on by default in the robots. This means that any links to webmasters on your site will now be redirected to Yoast or Rank Math websites instead, therefore essentially removing any ability you had to manually set these things up.
Now, then, Yoast was actually one of the first popular WordPress plugins and still remains one of the most popular if not the most popular. As such, it’s just better to have it as an option instead of having to learn a new code in order to use RankMath. However, since many of the changes that Google made to their linking policy have left Yoast ineffective, it’s just better to go with the more reliable Rank Math. Also, if you need to learn a bit about setting up sitemaps you can always use Yoast again since it’s a much easier version to actually use.
The main difference between the two though is that Yoast will automatically update itself whenever there are new links added to your website, where RankMath will need to refresh the page on your blog after every link. This is actually one of the main reasons I prefer the older plugin over the newer one, because with Rank Math you actually have to refresh the page each time you add a new link. With Yoast on the other hand, I only have to refresh once the plugin has downloaded and installed everything, which happens pretty frequently.
Which one is better – Yoast or RankMath plugin?
In my opinion, it comes down to both how often you’ll be using it and how complex you feel you want to make your site. If you have no plans on ever updating your website then Yoast may be a better choice for you since it doesn’t require as much configuration. On the other hand, if you do have plans on making a lot of changes, especially to the Yoast plug-in, then you’re better off getting Rank Math. you will have off-site SEO analytics on hand.
Rank Math is more versatile than most by allowing you to easily track all the different content types that are being redirected to your websites. You can even track which sites are getting redirects from which IP addresses. The best thing about this plugin, however, is that it allows you to set up rules for when certain redirects occur as well as allowing you to easily undo any rules that you’ve set up.
In my opinion, both Yoast and Rank Math perform very well as both plugins have solid tracking abilities and they don’t require much configuration to use.

Rank Math SEO Review
Is Rank Math SEO WordPress plugin still the best WordPress plugin? That is a great question and it’s hard to answer because every niche has different needs and requirements and every website differs from other websites. However, you can certainly say that Rank Math SEO WordPress plugin is a great option because of the above reasons. Now, let’s get into the real reason why you should choose Rank Math SEO WordPress plugin over competitors like Yoast SEO and other SEO WordPress plugins. Here are the reasons:
- No ads. This is by far the most important advantage of Rank Math SEO. No ads mean no more Google AdSense. You can also focus on your keyword density which you can control with the Rank Math plugin. Yes, Yoast SEO is still the number one most downloaded SEO plugin but Rank Math is fast making many people say goodbye to their adblocking software.
- SEO Rich Snippets. The thing with using the Rank Math SEO WordPress plugin is that you can use as many rich snippets as you want without any restriction. If you need a caption for a photo or you need the second part of a URL, you can use these rich snippets with no problem. One thing you have to note though is that the plugin requires you to enable the ‘redirects’ in your theme settings. If you don’t do that, the plugin will redirect all your new links to your ads in Google.
- SEO Rich Table. Another big advantage of the Rank Math SEO WordPress plugin is the use of the SEO-rich snippets feature. The SEO-rich snippets feature uses the WordPress simple table functionality to allow you to do various kinds of optimization with the use of some very helpful WordPress functions. This will allow you to easily optimize your post and meta description titles. This is how it looks like:
- WordPress SEO. You might be wondering if Rank Math SEO can truly give you a boost in the ranking of your website. There are two main types of SEO plugins. There are those that are for free and those that have a limit to how many you can use for your website. Rank Math SEO is definitely a plugin worth using because of the features it provides.
- Rank Math plugin uses the SEO-rich snippets feature. You are able to get the latest information on how certain keywords and/or phrases perform. With this information, you are also able to find out the competition level of certain keywords as well. With this information, you can easily optimize your posts and content based on the keywords that are performing the best.
- The Rank Math SEO is written in PHP. There is some Rank Math SEO review that criticizes the fact that the Rank Math plugin uses the default setting of using the Metadata and not the rewrite rules. However, the Rank Math SEO has been praised for the great features that it provides for SEO optimization. It also provides great functionality that will allow you to quickly identify all the important factors for your page optimization such as the URL structure, Title, Alt image Text, header, and Footer.

Rank Math SEO is among those SEO optimization plugins that provide one-click redirection for your website. This means that once you make a change in one of the links on your site, your website will instantly be modified to reflect that click. With this feature, the redirection will take you directly to the targeted content instead of redirecting you to some other place. This is one of the great features that you get with the free version.
The auto written article is pretty good:-) ( I have not modified it) If you agree, try the ArticleForge for free for 5 days and it change your approach to article writing.
What are advanteges of Rank Math plugin over other SEO plugins?
Rank Math is an online application that claims to give you an “insight” into the workings of the Google ranking system. With this tool, you are supposedly able to find out exactly what a particular keyword or keyphrase is going to be worth for search engine placement. Rank Math SEO promises to give you an exact number, how much it is worth to optimize your website, and exactly how much it will cost you to rank well. If you are looking to get an edge on your competitors, and want to increase your traffic volume, then this program may be the solution you are looking for.
There are some pros and cons associated with using this popular software. One of the best things about using this product is that you do not have to understand anything about the inner workings of Google’s search algorithms. It is an easy-to-use program that does not require any knowledge of how Google works. You can expect to receive the results you desire in a matter of minutes.
One of the main advantages of using Rank Math SEO is that it provides you with an “insider” view of the workings of search engines. With this powerful plugin installed, you are able to see how certain keywords are ranked according to the search engines. It shows you which keywords are bringing traffic to your site but are not giving you an advantage over your competitors. You can also see which keywords are costing you unnecessary traffic, and which are giving you the conversions you need to optimize your website for those keywords. It will literally tell you what the “market norm” is for each of your keywords.
Once you are finished entering the code, you will be able to see the value of your AdWords campaign the next day, and will realize that all those clicks were unnecessary. In addition to having “permission”, you also have a sitemap. Now, the sitemap is important because it will allow Google to know exactly where you placed each keyword in your ad. It is like building a road map to help your car get to its destination. Without a map, you will probably get lost!
As a final advantage to using this awesome Rank Math SEO product, we are going to discuss the last step before you can start raking in the cash – getting your advertisement to continue reading. This step is usually referred to as “permission”. If your AdSense account has administrator privileges, you will see an option at the very bottom of your dashboard called “permission”. If you have not yet enabled this feature, all you have to do is click on it. It will take you to a page where you can enter a code that will allow the AdSense program to continue reading your advertisement even when you are not connected to the internet.
Rank Math SEO is a great plugin that can help you optimize your AdWords campaigns. However, just like any other SEO plugin, there is nothing more than using it the right way. Unlike other “SEO gurus” who think that the most expensive SEO plugin works the best, I am not one of them. Using the Rank Math SEO plugin the right way is what makes it work. When you use it the way it was designed, you will find that it will allow you to dominate your competition, and you will be glad that you did. This is a great plugin for affiliates!
The auto written article is pretty good:-) ( I have not modified it) If you agree, try the ArticleForge for free for 5 days and it change your approach to article writing.