WordAi vs SpinRewriter – review and comparison
Please note that the comparison has been done using older Spin Rewriter version. I have not tried it yet but I imagine the results vs WordAi may be even more impressing. If there are weaknesses against WordAi the gap should narrow now. When I get some testing using the newest Spin Rewriter I will update this review.
Review, comparison, originality report. Spinning financial text using readable and highly readable settings.
WordAi claims that their ‘brain’ spin is the best in the industry.
Is it really the best “Spinner” or just marketing hype?
We try to take it to the ‘spin’ with another popular rewriter – SpinRewriter
Official websites and offers for article rewriting tools being tested:
Which one is better “Spinner” for creating unique articles – SpinRewriter or WordAi?
Instead of quoting some marketing information let’s go to real articles. My niche is finance so I will try to spin a financial article and see how they are comparing.
I will use highly readable settings of Article Spinning for both Spinners and then just readable settings. I do not compare low quality – spammy settings. Then I compare the quality and originality (I am using Plagiarism Detector comparison).
I am after quick results with automatic spins for both of the programs.
Here are my results.

Original text – bitcoin trading
? WordAi:
- highly readable – originality only 5%: 1-wordai – highly readable – sentence spin
- readable – originality 11%: 2-wordai – readable – all automatic
? SpinRewriter:
- highly readable – originality 11%: 1-spinrewriter – highly readable
- readable – originality 100%: 2-spinrewriter-medium readability
Conclusion (WordAi vs Spin Rewriter review):
I do not rely heavily on spinners. I prefer to write articles or use other ‘tricks’ for SEO. But if your strategy is spinning I would recommend ‘manual spinning’ and use spinners just for help with manual spinning. I was curious how the modern spinners work now and I am still not very convinced. Maybe I was doing something wrong but was not happy with the results.
My recommendation is:
Anyway, if automatic spinning is your “thing” I would recommend SpinRewriter over WordAi. So probably opposite to majority. Please take note the WordAi offers nice recurring lifetime income for affiliates. Affiliate marketers may recommend and promote WordAI as the best one. Personally, I would recommend Spin Rewriter. Not only I got better results but also you can have Spin Rewriter for the fraction of the cost of WordAi.
I do not think that WordAI is a good value for money with an expensive yearly subscription. I would much prefer Spin Rewriter for quick cloud article spins. However if a desktop software is your thing there is another alternative but only if you are not afraid to spend more time learning the software. If you would like to do some high-quality manual spins Chimp Rewriter is decent (my favourite being bullet points mixes). It’s cheaper than WordAI. However, I believe it does not offer lifetime subscription anymore.
1 year of WordAi subscription = Lifetime Spin Rewriter
Spin Rewriter 14 days demo & offer:
WordAi 14 days demo & offer:
Please test the demo and spin (rewrite) few articles from your niche by yourself. You may find that WordAi is giving you similar results with less work. As the test was done a while age and spinning algorithms changed you may get other than me results.
Alternative to WordAI and SpinRewriter: Chimp Rewriter offer (I use it also myself):
And the word of caution at the end. Please learn the software to create unique and valuable content. Use good quality articles as a base. Do not spin rubbish. It’s bad for any SEO strategy.
You may be interested in reading also:
SpinRewriter vs ChimpRewriter features comparison
SpinRewriter Review