Rewriting articles (spinning) is not at all limited to words and phrases like we have shown so far. Everything on the internet is simply some kind of text. If you are familiar with HTML, you know that when there is an tag, the browser shows an image instead. This means we can modify this text to actually spin images! And it doesn’t stop there.
Only go as far as you feel comfortable with here. We’ll start out with the basic stuff and go right up to the advanced elements. You might find this list gives you a few ideas. Here are some of the things you can spin:

Basic Stuff:
• Words
• Phrases
• Sentences

A bit come complex:

• Optional items e.g. Here is a sentence {|with some extra words at the end that aren’t really required}
• Punctuation Paragraphs Images Videos
• Link URLs
• Link anchor text (the words that are underlined when you click on a link)

Getting advanced:

•Bullet points (also called “tips”) HTML Formatting, e.g. text alignment, spacing, image sizes etc • The order of HTML attributes
• Inline CSS
• The order of paragraphs

How much do you need to rewrite?

The way to measure how much your article is rewritten is the ‘uniqueness percentage’. Uniqueness or spin percentage is a measure of how different each variation of your rewritten article will be. A higher number means that each variation will be more unique. In Chimp Rewriter, you’ll find this metric down the very bottom of the software on the left hand side.

Advanced: Does LSI Matter?

OK first, what the heck is LSI?
In a nutshell, measuring LSI allows you to see how relevant your article is to your target keywords.
It stands for Latent Semantic Indexing. It provides a way for a computer to look at some text and get an idea what it is about. Rather than just looking at what keywords are used in the text, it considers the synonyms of words.
The best way to explain is by example. If you had an article that was about “Car Loans”, throughout the text you might say “vehicle loans” or “automobile loans” in a few places. Using LSI, algorithms are able to determine that this text is actually about “car loans”, even though those exact words might not even be mentioned in the text.
Why is this important? It means you can write about your target keywords without stuffing your text full those keywords. This technique (keyword stuffing) worked about 6 years ago, but now is a sure way to flag your site to the search engines.
To measure your LSI you need to tell Chimp Rewriter what keywords you want to target. You do this by adding “protected terms” to the current project. Open the Project Center tab on the left hand side, go to the project you are working on, right click “Protected Terms” and click “New”. With these keywords added, LSI will begin calculating for your article.
Another option is to open the “Word Density” tab on the right hand side of Chimp Rewriter. Open this and click the LSI button (it looks like a graph with a red line), and search for your keywords.

You should aim for an LSI of between 5% and 15%. Below this range and your article is not relevant enough to the topic. Above this, and it may look like you are keyword stuffing.

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