As you already know, article rewriting by spinning is a way of taking a piece of content and turning into lots of unique copies. The idea is that these copies all have the same overall theme and content, but say it in a different way. Let’s take an example sentence:
Little Johnny likes to play on the swings.
We add some special syntax which we call “spintax”. It is made of curly brackets and a pipe { | }. This is used to indicate variations of some text. Lets do that. (The highlighted stuff is what we added)
Little Johnny {likes|loves|wants} to play on the swings.
We added two new options to the work “likes”. There are now three different ways to write this sentence
• Little Johnny likes to play on the swings
• Little Johnny loves to play on the swings
• Little Johnny wants to play on the swings
Now how about this:
{Little Johnny|Johnny the little boy} {likes|loves|wants} to play on the swings.
So now we could have a new sentence that says “Johnny the little boy loves to play on the swings”. Let’s get slightly more complex and add “nested spin”. This is spin inside spin (I like to call this Inception spin)
{Little Johnny|Johnny the little boy} {{likes|loves|wants} to play|enjoys playing} on the swings.
Here, we used the part that says “like to play”, and replaced it with “enjoys playing
Ok, so now here are a couple of variations of the original sentence:
• Johnny the little boy loves to play on the swings
• Little Johnny enjoys playing on the swings Stop here until you’ve got your head around this!
We can go a lot crazier with this, but as long as you get this concept, you’re safe.
Here’s a more advanced example. Don’t let it scare you off, it’s just meant to show you what you can do.
{{Little Johnny|Johnny the little boy} {{likes|loves|wants} to play|enjoys playing} {on the swings|in the playground}.|{ Sometimes|Occasionally}, {Little |}Johnny has {a great|an excellent|a fantastic|a wonderful} time {hanging out|spending time|chilling out} on the {swings|swing set}}
Some of the output from this:
• Johnny the little boy wants to play in the playground.
• Sometimes, Johnny has a fantastic time chilling out on the swing set
• Occasionally, Johnny has an excellent time spending time on the swings
• Sometimes, Little Johnny has an excellent time hanging out on the swing set